job offers

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265Offers in this area

265 Job offers

  • Job offer Aide-comptable H/F Vaud - North Vaud

    Vaud - North Vaud


    Aide-comptable H/F

    • Industry / Production / Technical

    • radio_button_unchecked
    • Permanent full time

    • radio_button_unchecked
    • INT-070789

  • Job offer Aide de cuisine  H/F Vaud - Lausanne Region

    Vaud - Lausanne Region


    Aide de cuisine H/F

    • Catering / Hospitality / Tourism

    • radio_button_unchecked
    • Temporary full time

    • radio_button_unchecked
    • INT-071262

  • Job offer Technicien Méthode H/F Vaud - North Vaud

    Vaud - North Vaud


    Technicien Méthode H/F

    • Watchmaking

    • radio_button_unchecked
    • Permanent full time

    • radio_button_unchecked
    • INT-071255

  • Job offer Décolleteur H/F Vaud - North Vaud

    Vaud - North Vaud


    Décolleteur H/F

    • Industry / Production / Technical

    • radio_button_unchecked
    • Permanent full time

    • radio_button_unchecked
    • INT-068322

  • Job offer Régleur en 2x8 H/F Vaud - North Vaud

    Vaud - North Vaud


    Régleur en 2x8 H/F

    • Industry / Production / Technical

    • radio_button_unchecked
    • Permanent full time

    • radio_button_unchecked
    • INT-068327

  • Job offer Régleur H/F Vaud - North Vaud

    Vaud - North Vaud


    Régleur H/F

    • Industry / Production / Technical

    • radio_button_unchecked
    • Permanent full time

    • radio_button_unchecked
    • INT-068330

  • Job offer Technicien Méthodes / Industrialisation H/F Vaud - North Vaud

    Vaud - North Vaud


    Technicien Méthodes / Industrialisation H/F

    • Watchmaking

    • radio_button_unchecked
    • Permanent full time

    • radio_button_unchecked
    • INT-069421

  • Job offer Contrôleur Qualité H/F Vaud - North Vaud

    Vaud - North Vaud


    Contrôleur Qualité H/F

    • Watchmaking

    • radio_button_unchecked
    • Permanent full time

    • radio_button_unchecked
    • INT-069422

  • Job offer Régleur 5 axes  H/F Vaud - North Vaud

    Vaud - North Vaud


    Régleur 5 axes H/F

    • Watchmaking

    • radio_button_unchecked
    • Permanent full time

    • radio_button_unchecked
    • INT-069423

  • Job offer Décolleteur H/F Vaud - North Vaud

    Vaud - North Vaud


    Décolleteur H/F

    • Industry / Production / Technical

    • radio_button_unchecked
    • Permanent full time

    • radio_button_unchecked
    • INT-069424

Looking for a job Vaud?

Flexsis can help you find a job in Switzerland in industry, construction, watchmaking, logistics and pharmaceuticals. Whether you're looking for a permanent or temporary position, if you want to work in Vaud, the job of your dreams is just a click away. Discover all our offers here.

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