News Flexsis

Recruitment in Life Sciences: challenges and insights from Flexsis

Recruitment in Life Sciences: challenges and insights from...

The life sciences industry is one of the most innovative and challenging industries worldwide. Research...

  • Life Sciences
Noemi Käslin takes over the Life Sciences divison for Flexsis and albedis as Business Director Life Sciences  

Noemi Käslin takes over the Life Sciences divison...

With her promotion to Business Director Life Sciences, Noemi Käslin is taking on a key...

  • Life Sciences
Flexsis et Wake up and run : un partenariat pour un avenir actif

Flexsis et Wake up and run : un...

Flexsis est fier d’être le Presenting partenaire de Wake Up and Run durant cette année...

  • Blog
International Women’s Day: Flexsis values your abilities

International Women’s Day: Flexsis values your abilities

On the occasion of International Women's Day, we had the privilege of meeting three of...

  • Blog
Interiman Group consolide sa place de leader suisse, avec une croissance supérieure au marché.

Interiman Group consolide sa place de leader suisse,...

Avec un chiffre d’affaires consolidé de 561 millions de francs pour l’exercice 2022, Interiman Group...

  • Presse

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